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    Best Robotic Vacuums of 2023

    Consumer Reports' tests reveal today's top-performing robot vacuums from brands like Eufy, iRobot, and Samsung

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    Robot vacuum on wood floors
    Robotic vacuums can complement regular vacuuming and require little attention, though their built-in smarts could raise privacy concerns. We tested every facet of robovacs to surface the very best models worth considering.
    Photo: iStock

    The best robotic vacuums Consumer Reports tested are great for touch-ups and spot cleaning, which can be especially helpful in keeping up with pet hair. Their built-in and app-enabled smarts allow them to find their way out of tight spots and around some obstacles, but keep in mind that connecting any device to an app entails privacy concerns. To learn more, see our full ratings of robotic vacuums, as well as additional CR coverage like our picks of the best robotic vacuums for pet hair and the best robotic vacuums under $300.Ā 

    How We Picked the Best Robotic Vacuums
    To determine the best robot vacuums (listed below in alphabetical order), we filtered models based on their Overall Scoreā€”which is based on our rigorous lab testing and our member surveys on reliability and customer satisfaction, as well as price and available features.Ā 

    As you scroll through the models, we recommend considering the modelā€™s weight and size, noise level, reliability, and pet friendliness (if you have a pet). You can find our ratings across these criteria and more in our comprehensive ratings of robotic vacuums.

    How Consumer Reports Tests Robotic Vacuums
    To rate robotic vacuums, we lab-tested dozens of models on how well they remove debris from carpet and bare floors, how well they avoid common obstacles and navigate space, how easy they are to use, and to what extent they provide data privacy and security across more than 70 indicators. For example, we attached a tracking device to robotic vacuums we tested to rate their navigation skills, and we challenged them to clean up a mix of cereal, rice, and yellow peas to rate their cleaning capacity. To learn more about how we rate and test robot vacuums, consult our vacuum buying guide. On top of these calculations, we factor in the reliability and owner satisfaction score of robotic vacuums from surveys based on membersā€™ experiences with more than 9,000 robot vacuums.Ā 

    As with all products that CR tests, the ratings robotic vacuums earn across our battery of tests and our surveys inform the Overall Score for each model.

    CRā€™s take: The basic Eufy RoboVac 11S isnā€™t the strongest robotic vac you can buy, and itā€™ll struggle to thoroughly clean large areas. But this nimble, relatively affordable bot can be a great option for cleaning a few rooms at a time, or for patient owners. Itā€™s one of the shortest and lightest robotic vacuums that CR has tested, which helps it drive under furniture and wiggle away from hazards like power cords and carpet fringe better than most robotic vacuums weā€™ve tested. It also earns an Excellent rating on our noise test, and sounds more like a small fan than a vacuum cleaner. The Eufyā€™s cleaning performance is respectable for its price, too. The main quirk is the semi-random navigation system. (This was the norm for robotic vacuums at one point but has become less common over time.) The randomness might be aggravatingā€”it drives until it bonks into a wall or piece of furniture, pivots, and then repeats the process until the battery runs out. In bigger spaces, it will often miss an areaā€”or even an entire roomā€”in a given session.

    Eufy sells at least a half-dozen variants of this robovac. The 11S is the most basic and one of the few still available that doesnā€™t connect to the internet. It does come with a remote control, though. Other RoboVac variants, including the 30C, 35C, and 15C Max, do have WiFi connectivity, which allows you to use a companion app to turn the appliance on or off, steer it, and set a cleaning schedule. They still navigate semi-randomly, though.

    CRā€™s take: The iRobot Roomba i3+ Evo is a great option for homes of any size because it navigates in a grid pattern and keeps track of the spots it has or hasnā€™t cleaned. It can also learn the layout of one story of your home and save it as a two-dimensional Smart Map in a companion smartphone app. With this feature enabled, the bot wonā€™t have to start navigating from scratch every time it runs, so it should finish the job faster and run into walls and furniture less often. You can also use the Smart Map to tell the Roomba i3 Evo to clean specific rooms and avoid others. The Roomba i3 Evoā€™s cleaning performance is strong, too. The brushless, rubberized rollers are great for pet hairā€”it earns an Excellent rating on that test. Itā€™s also great at avoiding bot-snarling hazards like power cords.

    The iRobot brand earned a Very Good rating for predicted reliability based on data from our member surveys. Maintenance and repairs are easy to perform at home, and iRobot has a track record for keeping spare parts available for every Roomba model it has sold. The Roomba i3 Evoā€™s cleaning performance is strong, too. The brushless, rubberized rollers are great for pet hair; it earns an Excellent rating on that test. Itā€™s also great at avoiding bot-snarling hazards like power cords. The Roomba i3 Evo is also sold as the Roomba i4 (and Roomba i4+) or Roomba i2 from certain retailers.

    CRā€™s take: The iRobot Roomba j7+ builds on the same robotic core as the Roomba i3 Evo above and earns similar scores on most of our tests. But the Roomba j7+ā€™s navigation system is much more advanced. For starters, it can learn Smart Maps for multiple levels of your home (instead of just one floor, as with the i3 Evo), so you can use a smartphone app to tell it to clean certain rooms and skip others. But the most significant upgrade is the j7+ā€™s obstacle-avoidance system. It uses a camera on the front of the bot to recognize certain hazards, including socks, clothes, towels, andā€”drumroll, pleaseā€”pet waste. Once it spots a hazard, the j7+ adjusts its cleaning path to make sure it doesnā€™t snarl (or smear) the obstacle. CR has not tested this particular feature. Worth noting: iRobot promises that itā€™ll replace the vacuum if it fails to avoid pet waste in the first year after purchase. One downside of that front-facing camera: The Roomba j7+ is the only iRobot model that falls short of our top rating for data security.

    Another option to consider is the lower-priced Roomba i7+, which has the same cleaning system and Smart Map capabilities as the j7+ but doesnā€™t have the obstacle-avoidance feature. Itā€™s an older model, but itā€™s still available from many retailers.

    CRā€™s take: If youā€™re after the maximum pickup that a robotic can offer, the Roomba s9+ā€”iRobotā€™s top-of-the-line robotic vacuumā€”should be on your shortlist. The big upgrade here is the cleaning power. Thanks to stronger suction and wider brushes, it outperforms all the other Roomba models weā€™ve tested (and most robotic vacs from other brands, too) on our carpet and edge-cleaning tests. Another selling point: Once the vacuum is docked, a vacuum in the docking station automatically sucks the contents from the bin into an enclosed, disposable bag in the base. It still doesnā€™t clean rugs anywhere near as thoroughly as a traditional vacuum cleaner, but if strong cleaning is one of your priorities in a robotic vacuum, you should consider this pricey bot.Ā 

    CRā€™s take: The Roborock S7+ is another great option for homes of any size. Its laser-assisted nav system allows it to quickly and thoroughly clean a room, bumping into fewer walls and furniture legs than a lot of the other robotic vacuums weā€™ve tested. It has a Smart Mapping feature as well, and comes with a dock that can automatically empty the bin. Its cleaning performance is strong across the board, tooā€”on carpets, bare floors, with pet hair, and even up against edges. The S7+ also has a clip-on mop that will wipe your bare floors and lift itself slightly when it senses rugs to avoid getting them wet. (We havenā€™t lab tested the mop, but some of our experts have used it at home and say itā€™s decentā€”and certainly more effective than not wiping your floors.)Ā 

    A version without the auto-emptying dock is available, too; itā€™s simply called the S7. Roborock makes several similar models, including the flagship S7 MaxV Ultra (a pricier model thatā€™s loaded with extra features that, eh, wonā€™t really change your life), as well as a bunch of lower-end models that we havenā€™t yet tested, including the Q5 and Q7.

    CRā€™s take: The Samsung Jet Bot AI+ VR50T95735W is an all-around champ in our robotic vacuum tests, receiving high scores for its ability to clean carpet, bare floors, pet hair, and the edges of walls and corners. It also offers impeccable navigation and garners an Excellent rating for ease of use. It comes with a self-emptying dock for no additional charge. This vacuum also features WiFi connectivity with smartphone control via the SmartThings app.Ā 

    In our tests, its data security is quite strong, but its data privacy is middling. In CRā€™s latest member survey, Samsung robovacs receive a middling predicted reliability rating and a Poor owner satisfaction score.